Hi to my small group of readers! I hope you are all faring well mentally and staying healthy during these hard times. I wanted to write a short blog post about some things I’ve been doing to keep myself distracted.
Life has changed a lot in the past couple weeks. I will quickly voice my grievances and move on. My school has switched to full online remote delivery of classes, my wifi keeps cutting out so I’ll miss something said in class every couple of minutes, some of my friends in my program have had to return home for the rest of the semester, we can’t buy a carton of eggs without throwing ourselves into the chaos that is grocery stores right now, yada yada. And to top all this off, I was just getting into my early morning spin class routine at my school’s gym which now has had to cancel the remainder of the semester’s gym classes!
Because of said list of grievances, I was finding it hard to stay positive, so I decided to try to reframe this period as a time for me to focus more on hobbies I can do at home, like cooking and making art! Thankfully, before things got completely crazy, I did some good stocking up at the grocery store. Here are some pictures of what I’ve been making! P.S. I got a new iPhone, so my camera quality for these photos has greatly improved 🙂
Yummy and super simple to make if you don’t mind having to puree everything in the food processor once it’s done cooking!
Today was one of my friend’s birthdays. Since I could not see her today, I sent her a photo of the card I made her. Maybe it will give you all a much needed chuckle 🙂 **Disclaimer: Pinterest helped source these puns