My 27 hour road trip from HTX to CT (and what I’ve been up to since)

Hello everyone! I have been a bad blogger this summer. I blame CPA studying and moving cross country. As of a little over two weeks ago, I officially have moved to Connecticut! We live really close to NYC, so it’s super easy to hop on the train for a day trip there.

Luckily, I somehow convinced Jackie to do the drive to CT with me even though she had to fly home to LA after. Jake had moved up the majority of our stuff, as I mentioned in the last blog post I wrote back in early August. Somehow, I still had to Tetris pack the car. Shout out to my mother for coming in clutch ordering vacuum seal bags for my clothes. Yes, they were those vacuum seal bags you see in the infomercials at 3 am.

I cannot even remember how many tries it took to get it all to fit!

The drive from Houston to CT was a whopping 27 hours! It would normally be around 24 hours, but we drove to Atlanta the first day to spend a couple days with Mackenzie. I’ll provide a breakdown of the road trip.

Day 1

We left Houston around 7:30 am on September 9th. A couple of our friends surprised us early in the morning with donuts, and Jackie’s dad packed breakfast tacos, sliders, cinnamon apples, and so much more. This meant we never had to stop for food on our 12 hour drive to Atlanta. This was by far the worst day of driving in terms of hours and the (lack of) much scenery on the drive. It was such a relief when we finally made it to Atlanta around 9 pm Eastern time!

Driving through Mississippi was the best part of this day because you’re in and out in less than an hour with the route we took.
Versus it felt like we were in Alabama for 8577356844 hours
Petunia the pig, our fearless leader
At the end of Day 1, we made it to Atlanta and got to see Javi!! Oh and Mackenzie

Day 2

There was no driving this day! This turned out to be much needed because Jackie and I both slept for over 10 hours after that first day of driving. We got to spend some time with Mackenzie when she wasn’t in class. We mostly hung out at the apartment and nearby park, but we also got to see one of Jackie’s college friends during the day as well.

Jackie and I went to Buttermilk Kitchen in ATL and got the Chicken Biscuit with pimento cheese grits. It was delish!
Javi looks hilarious in this photo with Mackenzie!!

Thanks again for hosting us Mackenzie 🙂

Day 3

Jackie and I woke up early this morning and began our drive to our next stop, Washington D.C. This was an eight hour driving day, and it went by so quickly! The drive was also much more scenic and interesting to look at. Additionally, we were highly entertained by binge listening to both seasons of the Homecoming podcast. I highly recommend!

Along the way, we stopped for about an hour in Durham, NC to see my old roommate Riana! Jackie and I really made this road trip social haha! It was great to see her because we hadn’t seen each other since New Year’s Day.

After seeing Riana, we drove the last few hours to arrive in D.C. around 8 pm. We stayed super close to the Washington Monument, so we were located near lots of great stuff! We actually happened to be in D.C. on 9/11, so the flags were being flown half-mast by the Washington Monument.

Jackie found a great place called Baan Siam that was 1) open late and 2) had outdoor seating. We were pretty tired and ravenous at this point since we hadn’t eaten much during the drive!

We then went back and slept like rocks at the hotel lol.

Day 4 – the final day!

We woke up early to go see another one of Jackie’s college friends for coffee before we got on the road to our final destination! We drove for five and a half hours this day, which felt like nothing after all the driving we had been doing.

We made it to CT around 4 pm and got to see Jake! Later that evening, we got dinner at a tapas place walking distance from our apartment and got to finally just relax because there was no more driving!

Celebratory drink with Jackie (and Jake, the photographer) in CT!

The Next Day

Jackie has two camp friends a couple hours north of me in CT, so Jake and I drove her to meet them at this nature preserve about an hour away from us. While she caught up with them, Jake and I went on a walk at the nature preserve. I know – Jackie has friends everywhere!

It was very scenic with rolling hills and fields

Afterwards, we drove Jackie to La Guardia (NYC driving is scary), and I had to say goodbye to her 🙁 She was a life saver helping me do this drive and being wonderful company. Thanks so much, Jackie <3

Jackie wearing 2020 travel chic

What I’ve been up to since

All of this took place a couple weeks ago. I’ve spent my free time since experimenting with new recipes in my Instant Pot, decorating the apartment, and going on runs and drives by myself to get more familiar with the area. I hope to have a blog post soon where I give a photo tour of the apartment since I have decorated it a ton! I definitely need to start work – I have way too much free time on my hands LOL. Jake has been working remotely here since August. I actually start remotely this Thursday, so I’m only a few days away!

I am excited to say I have passed my CPA exams, so I have realllllllyyyy been enjoying these few weeks off before work. Here are some photos of what Jake and I have been up to in the last couple weeks:

This is the view from Jake’s office (although he is remote right now), and this is at a restaurant next door that we ate outside at!
Beach drives! It’s still been warm, but a cool front is coming soon!
A nearby hiking/walking trail park
This is right by our apartment, and I run along it!
Social distance hangout with Jenny (one of my old college roommates) in Upstate NY!
We went into the city this past weekend. In the background is downtown and the Williamsburg bridge.
View of Manhattan from same spot!

I hope all of you are doing well! Thanks for reading and please stay in touch <3

4 thoughts on “My 27 hour road trip from HTX to CT (and what I’ve been up to since)”

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